Key Projects📑

The university has long emphasized the goal of “balanced district growth" and has developed and implemented teaching and research plans to revitalize teaching effectiveness and to nurture local talents with local awareness and a global vision.


The “Outstanding Teaching Program” was established to provide courses on public services while using local resources to promote unique sports such as rowing, archery, softball and karate. Students with good athletic performance are enrolled.


The “Mold Excellent Citizens Plan” is set within the Shui Sha Lian District Mobile Office to develop classes that promote engaging with society. The University received recognition for its excellence in performance management.


Established the Shui Sha Lian School of Innovative Humanities and Societal Research


The University Learning Ecology Innovation Plan established the “Return for Rural Recreation” (R-cubed) to allow young creative minds to stay in or return to their home towns and establish a R-cubed classroom to create a borderless learning model between the university and the local community.


The Center of Humanities and Social Sciences was transformed into a university level research center. Shui Sha Lian Committee for Promoting Regional Cooperation was established to serve as a communication pathway for University and the local community. Interdisciplinary faculty members are consolidated and Shui Sha Lian’s research is promoted.


University Social Responsibility (USR) Plan
Since the year 106 (2017), the University has encouraged relevant departments to USR programs that focus on the development of rural industries, the care of the elderly, and the education of children in rural areas, specified for the Shui Sha Lian district. The was to consolidated and deepen the University’s social responsibility.
In addition, focus was placed on the learning programs designed for rural areas, parenting empowerment of new inhabitants as well as the culture and livelihood of the indigenous people. Local teams are developed, related successes are organized and published and Intensive Higher Education will continually be promoted to enrich the responsibilities of local teams.
In the year 110 (2021), the university continued its innovative approach towards curriculum, teaching, learning centers etc. Attention was given to local issues and borderless learning was established from working with the local community. Language teaching, overseas internship, volunteer work, the promotion of green universities, training teachers and interdisciplinary in various South Asian countries were strengthened.


The Intensive Higher Education Plan
The University is committed to improving the learning effectiveness of teachers and students. From the year 107 (2018) the Intensive Higher Education Plan was put into action with the concept of “Cultivating Shui Sha Lian, Welcoming South East Asia” as its core. The five points of expansion (Strengthen Innovative Education; Develop Characteristic Schooling; Upgrade the public nature of higher education; Deciding on Social responsibilities and Sustainable Operation in the institution, represent the five flower petals of the cherry blossoms found on our campus.
Gradually, a forward looking operation model was built that corresponded the the characteristics of the University’s development. The four goals were being solid with our roots, being industrialized, being localized and being internationalized.
The purpose was to develop a curriculum that met with local needs, enhanced international academic exchange and moving forward with action. Through all around support for students in their studies, the school accepted and guided disadvantaged students and planned a variety of co-curricular activities. Innovative teaching systems were improved, the research ability of teachers and researchers were strengthened, cross-disciplinary resources to develop the diverse characteristics were integrated and a new generation of talent was nurtured.

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