Colleges and Departments

The university's institutional planning emphasizes the establishment of colleges and departments, with a focus on the fields of humanities and sciences. This foundation sets the direction for the development of a related colleges, schools and departments, towards the goal of becoming a comprehensive university. In addition, there is an affiliated senior high school, displaying the university’s globalization and local responsibility. The university continuously adjusts and expands its colleges, departments, programs, classes, groups, and degree programs in accordance with national policies.


College of Humanities

The college of humanities is comprised of two major fields: humanities and social sciences. It emphasizes the integration of humanities and social sciences, as well as the combination of theory and reality. The college provides students with the resources and environment to dive deep and nurture their skills with both expertise and interdisciplinary knowledge. This will contribute to the nation by nurturing high-quality academic researchers and industry professionals.

Research Field Characteristics

• Strengthen the integration of academic research and practical fields, support national development, focus on nurturing promising candidates in policy planning and administrative management.

• The traditional field of humanities provides a foundation for academic research and the passing down of culture and research.

• Integrative and regional academic research and teaching. The main focus is on the Asian-Pacific region, overseas Chinese education, and scientific integration.

• Special emphasis is placed on problem-solving and independent research skills training for master's and doctoral programs in all departments.

• Enhance academic exchanges and student exchanges with foreign academic institutions, expanding the international perspectives of faculty and students and cultivating a global mindset.

• To strengthen the programs in local literature and history and regional societies, and to develop the programs in nonprofit organizations, long-term care, and cultural creativity as cross-disciplinary programs in the College of Humanities.


College of Management

In order for the College of Management to meet the demand for talented business and management students domestically and internationally, it has actively collaborated with industries, governments, academia, and research institutions. The college promotes a learning environment that is interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and international, aiming to nurture students to possess foresight in anticipating future trends, flexibility to combat the changes in the social environment and globalization, skills to perform feasibility analysis to propose executable solutions. The goal is to ensure that students are well-prepared to align with the industry and international standards upon graduation, continue in their self development, and face future challenges confidently.

Strategic Direction

• Offer interdisciplinary credit programs to nurture students with cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills.

• Recruit industry professionals as adjunct faculty to facilitate collaborative teaching and bridge the gap between academia and industry.

• Provide internship opportunities in enterprises to enhance students' competitive advantage in the job market.

• Offer subsidies for students to study abroad, broadening their international perspectives.


 College of Science and Technology

The College of Science and Technology aims to nurture students to obtain balanced emphasis on theory and practice, innovation and independent thinking, effective communication and teamwork, and a strong grasp of international trends and expertise. Specialized research areas such as "Communication and Multimedia Technology," "Nano Materials and Advanced Optoelectronics," "Disaster Prevention Technology," "Biomedical Technology and Analytical Techniques," and "Organic Optoelectronics and Material Devices." Additionally, interdisciplinary programs are offered. Students in this college have received various awards sponsored by industries, government agencies, and professional organizations across different fields.

Research Area Highlights

• Houzhi College of Science and Technology strives to become a prominent academic center in the central Taiwan.

• It actively plans various general education and humanities-related courses to allow students to have broad perspectives and a deep sense of real concern.

• Create an optimal and rewarding environment that enhances research quality. It encourages the pursuit of patents and participation in external competitions to promote a culture of research excellence. It also creates opportunities for students to engage in internships and practical courses.

• We will also expand the space for student internships and provide additional practical courses.

• Based on the research focus and interconnectivity of each department, interdisciplinary research groups are formed to integrate human resources and equipment. The college actively seeks industry-academia collaboration projects to expand students' internship opportunities and establish practical courses.

• Efforts are made to facilitate substantial exchanges with sister schools (faculty and student visits, exchange programs) and promote international academic activities (conferences, cross-national research). These initiatives aim to broaden the international perspectives of faculty and students and align teaching and research with the trends of technological development.


 College of Education

The College of Education upholds the principles of "vitality, care, balance, and excellence," in line with the trends of the times and national policies. It aims to cultivate education professionals and researchers who possess professional knowledge, human quality, social concerns, and international perspectives. Integrating both internal and external teaching resources, and a team of faculty, students are taught from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. Emphasis is placed on collaborating among industry, government, and academia, and actively engages with the local community to deepen its commitment to community care. It instills in students a sense of social responsibility by promoting multilingualism, multiculturalism, research on international issues, and the development of a global perspective. The college seeks to expand students' international horizons and equip them to contribute meaningfully in a globalized world.

Educational Objectives

• Promote integrated research to improve academic education

• Expand students' international perspectives and enhance their competitive abilities.

• Encourage outstanding educational leaders and academic researchers.

• Improve students’ employability and building a foundation to encourage continuous research


 Shui Sha Lian College

"Shui Sha Lian" is not only a term used in the Qing Dynasty to refer to the mountainous region in central Taiwan, but from a developmental perspective, it also represents an important area for ethnic cultures and regional development in Taiwan's history of over 400 years. In August 2021, National Chi Nan University established the "Shui Sha Lian College" with the aim of exploring interdisciplinary knowledge and research topics within the regional context, based on the theoretical perspective of regional development. The goal is to construct a body of local knowledge specific to the Shui Sha Lian region. Within Shui Sha Lian College, there are"Master's Program in Regional Development and Cross-Disciplinary Governance," "Center for Aesthetic Education," "Center for Societal Engagement Education," and “Athletics and Health Education Center.”

Educational Goals

• Guide students to think from a global perspective and apply that knowledge locally.

• Nurture teachers and students to expand knowledge in exploring interdisciplinary rural and urban development.

• Establish a learning system for fostering innovative talents in the local community.

• Develop Shui Sha Lian College’s service, teaching and research content.



College of Nursing and Health Welfare

The purpose of this department is to cultivate nursing professionals with multiculturalism and humanistic care. By cross-disciplinary learning, integrating information, technology, and management into the nursing process, students will become highly competitive nursing professionals in the new era.

Educational Goals

• Cultivate rural health care and long-term care talents to respond to the overall national construction, regional health care resources and social development needs.

• Cultivate nursing professionals with multiculturalism and humanistic care.

• Integrate information, technology, and management into the care process through cross-disciplinary learning.


Center for General Education

Our university has established the "Center for General Education," which is the core of university education. The Center for General Education is responsible for providing our students with a rich and balanced curriculum. It also plans for common subjects, general education lectures, service-learning, and specialized programs (such as Ecological Urban-Rural, Green Concepts, and Southeast Asia) to promote the development of various courses and learning activities. Our goal is for students to develop self-directedness and possess the qualities of active participation in public affairs as responsible and well-rounded citizens.


Language Teaching Center

Our university has established the "Language Teaching and Research Center" to match the development of overseas Chinese education. With the support of an excellent faculty team, the center carries out various English language activities and assists students in improving their language proficiency. Our goal is to achieve complete English-language instruction


Center for Teacher Education

Our university has established the "Center for Teacher Education" with a focus on Southeast Asia and overseas research. We are committed to continuously cultivating high-quality secondary school teachers, enhancing their pedagogical expertise, and emphasizing aboriginal education, overseas Chinese at teachers, and multicultural education.


The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chi Nan University

The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chi Nan University embraces a diverse school culture, with lively and enthusiastic students. The school emphasizes the principle of "progress in harmony and development according to aptitude," aiming to cultivate students with positive attitudes, a dedication to service, a lifelong learning mindset, and an innovative vision. The school consistently achieves outstanding results in various competitions across different fields and continuously strengthens students' learning effectiveness. Its remarkable performance in academic advancement is widely recognized, making it an excellent learning environment.


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