Campus Scenery🌄

(1) Indigenous Reservation

Our university emphasizes the development of indigenous villages and tribes, and strives to enhance students' understanding and connection to tribal cultures in order to preserve their distinctiveness and identity. In 2015, behind the library, an indigenous environmental education area was established. It initially started with cultivating millet and gradually constructed traditional Seediq high-raised granaries, Atayal bamboo houses, and Paiwan stone houses, creating unique classrooms that integrate with the natural environment. The stone house was even nominated for the 7th Public Art Award by the Ministry of Culture.

(2) Library and Information Building

Completed in 2006, this building primarily houses the library. As of 2022, the collection comprises approximately 640,000 items, including both physical and electronic resources. The library regularly organizes various art and cultural exhibitions, and it also features a 24-hour self-study room. Additionally, the library actively participates in the electronic resource consortium with partner institutions, allowing for resource sharing and integrating the presentation of the university's history. This creates a comfortable reading atmosphere and enhances academic research resources.

The building also houses the Computer and Network Center, which primarily provides computer and network academic services and support to the university. It is responsible for expanding information technology teaching equipment and implementing administrative computerization. Furthermore, the center actively promotes the use of the internet in the Nantou region.

(3) Sports Center

The Sports and Health Center offers diverse sports facilities, including a multipurpose sports hall, a heated swimming pool, and a fitness center. It serves as the main venue for physical education classes and also provides recreational opportunities for students and faculty. Additionally, the campus features facilities such as a track and field, a softball field, an archery range, and a mini golf course, providing students with a wide range of sporting experiences.

(4) NCNU Campus Inn

Situated in the elegant and tranquil campus, NCNU Campus Inn welcomes guests with its vast green lawns. It accommodates visitors from various backgrounds, allowing them to experience the stunning beauty of the campus both in the morning and at dusk.

(5) Student Activity Center

The Student Activity Center provides space for club activities and offices. It includes a performing arts hall, a multimedia room, the “Chi Yi Gallery," and dedicated spaces for student clubs. With multiple exhibition spaces, it supports various activities organized by student clubs, academic societies, cultural events, celebrations, and assemblies, providing students with a conducive environment for extracurricular activities.

(6) NCNU Great Lawn

Upon entering the campus, one's eyes are greeted by a vast lawn. The expansive lawn connects with the surrounding mountains and the endless sky, with buildings scattered amidst the landscape. The Great Lawn is a relaxing and pleasant spot where people can sit, exercise, take photos, roll around, and enjoy the wide expanse of greenery.

(7) Learning Hill

Linking the Administration Building and the Library, the pathway on Learning Hill is characterized by irregular symmetry, lined with academic buildings and lush greenery. It connects the pursuit of knowledge with campus memories, as students walk and chat their way to classrooms, progressing step by step on their learning journey.

(8) Cherry Blossom Forest

From February to March each year, the campus is adorned with Taiwan cherry blossoms, double-flowered cherry blossoms, and Showa cherry blossoms. These blossoms dot the landscape, juxtaposed with the green fields, creating a magnificent sight. The annual cherry blossom season has made the campus a well-known cherry blossom viewing spot in central Taiwan.

(9) Installation Art

In addition to the diverse natural beauty on campus, various installation artworks enrich the campus landscape. Adorable sculptures of deer, sheep, and pangolins can be found on the grassland, conveying the importance of wildlife conservation. On the small hill in front of the College of Humanities, there is an impressive sculpture of yellow bitterns, harmoniously blending with the environment.

(10) Sun Pool and Moon Pool

The campus's Sun Pool and Moon Pool feature water circulation and recycling systems, creating an eco-friendly habitat. The pools receive recycled water and serve as ecological ponds, providing pleasant views. They are also used for ecological observation and experiential activities by students, showcasing the university's commitment to environmental management, conservation, and learning.

(11) Night View

Located in the suburban plateau of Puli Town, the university is far from the light pollution of the city. On clear and cloudless nights, when standing on the pitch-black and expansive grassland or in open spaces, one can gaze at countless twinkling stars. This breathtaking visual feast allows people to appreciate the mysteries of the universe, making the night sky feel closer and more familiar, offering a moment of tranquility in the vastness of the starry sky.

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